American English


Introduction Our Goals, New Possibilities

The campaign Our Goals, New Possibilities aims to disseminate the Sustainable Development Objectives (ODS) throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. With a focus on children, adolescents and young people, the virtual content of the campaign is available to all civil society organizations, governments, schools and other educational and social spaces that intend to reflect and develop projects and actions that contribute in making ODS a reality at local and global levels.

The ODS are part of a global plan for development adopted by the United Nations (UN) member countries in 2015, with a deadline to be met by 2030. The plan, also called Agenda 2030, is based on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and it resulted in 17 objectives and 169 goals.

Agenda 2030 is daring and challenging, so it needs to mobilize all the people, institutions and governments to implement a new development proposal that seeks to balance the economic, social and environmental dimensions, having as its core the implementation of human rights and universal peace.

The protagonism of children, adolescents and young people in this process is fundamental for the guarantee and the exercise of their rights, in the construction of a more egalitarian world. We invite everyone to network, and discuss, and act in order to achieve Our Objectives and the creation of New Possibilities for all the children and young people in the world!


Know the ODS


After the progress reached by the Millennium Development Objectives (MDO), established for the period from 2000 to 2015, the UN, governments and civil societies developed an ambitious advancement agenda post 2015, the 17 Sustainable Development Objectives (SDO). This agenda was launched in September 2015, with an adhesion of more than 150 countries. For each objective, tens of goals were established which will help governments and organizations to prioritize their actions and investments up to 2030.
Even though MDO have contributed for the overcoming of many social problems, especially those related to poverty, many challenges still remain and touch, mainly, the more vulnerable populations. That is why, the new global agenda starts with a vision: not to leave anyone behind.
Know each SDO and also participate in this agenda that searches to transform the world starting with people, prosperity, peace, partnerships and protection of the planet, on a local and global scope.